RecentCollectionssearchRecent VideosEP.3 Around the NAL (Idaho Horsemen Preview)Lady Spurs halftime choreo by Josie Kennedy and McKenna Parsons. recorded by brettfordmedia.Lady Spurs hype by Josie KennedyLady Spurs hype video by Josie KennedyJr Spurs dance campAround the NAL - Episode 6 with Head Coach Fred ShawMarch 27, 2024Lady Spurs Halftime, Choreo by Josie Kennedy2024 NAL Week 3 - Idaho Horsemen vs Carolina CobrasAround The NAL - Ep. 32024 NAL Week 1 - Carolina Cobras vs Idaho HorsemenIdaho Horsemen Live StreamIdaho Horsemen vs Desert Sentinels, May 6th, 2023April 15, 2023 highlight video. Videography courtesy of Tim SchmidtIdaho Horsemen vs Cali Gold, April 15, 2023Idaho Horsemen VS Las Vegas KingsLoad More